Payment Methods

Mon Bijou accepts the following Payment Methods:

For Bank Transfer/FPS/PayMe

Please upload a screenshot or image of your payment slip using the Upload Form on your Order Status page after checkout. 

If you are unable to upload the image, feel free to Whatsapp it to us at +852 9820-2316 or e-mail it to us at

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bank Transfer

    • After confirming your order on our website, please deposit the total amount to following account within 48 hours.

    • Bank: HSBC
      Account Number: - 572-221729-833
      Account Name: - YANG C***

    • Once payment is made, please send the a screenshot of your payment confirmation or a copy of your payment slip to or to our  Whatsapp +852 9820-2316. Please quote your Order #.
  • If no payment is received within 48 hours, the order will be automatically cancelled.

  • Order will only be dispatched when Mon Bijou receives the full outstanding amount.

  • Mon Bijou is not responsible for any service charges incurred for bank transfer.



  •  FPS ID: - / Phone No: - +852 69023292
  • FPS e-mail:



      • After confirming your order on our website, please PayMe within 48 hours of placing your order by scanning the QR code 
        (Note: please do not make any payment before confirming your order)

      • Once payment is made, please send the a screenshot of your payment confirmation or a copy of your payment slip to or to our Whatsapp +852 9820-2316. Please quote your Order #.
  • If no payment is received within 48 hours, the order will be automatically cancelled.

  • Order will only be dispatched when Mon Bijou receives the full outstanding amount.

  • Mon Bijou is not responsible for any service charges incurred for bank transfer.




Mon Bijou 接受以下付款方式:

  • 銀行轉帳
  • FPS
  • PayMe
  • Credit Cards


銀行轉帳 / FPS (轉數快)

    • 在我們的網站上確認您的訂單後,請在48小時內將總額存入以下戶口。

    • 銀行:匯豐銀行
      帳號:- 572-221729-833
      帳戶名稱:- Yang C***
      • FPS

        •  FPS ID: - / Phone No: - +852 69023292
    • 付款後,請將付款收據/付款證明 截圖連同您的訂單編號發送到電郵到
  • 或 Whatsapp +852 9820-2316 給我們。

  • 如果48小時內未收到付款,該訂單將被自動取消。

  • 僅在Mon Bijou 收到全單總金額時才下達訂單。

  • Mon Bijou 對銀行轉賬所產生的任何服務費用,一概不負責。




    • 當在網站上確認您的訂單後,請在下訂單後48小時內,以PayMe應用程式掃描此QR Code,來進行付款。

    • 付款後,請將付款收據/付款證明截圖後連同您的訂單編號發送至 ,或通過Whatsapp發送至+852 9820-2316。
  • 如果48小時內未收到付款,訂單將自動取消。

  • 僅在 Mon Bijou 收到全單總金額時才下達訂單。

  • Mon Bijou 對銀行轉賬所產生的任何服務費用,一概不負責。

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